Civil defence groups
If you need emergency shelter in the immediate aftermath of an emergency event, contact your local civil defence group for support:
Find your civil defence group(external link) - Civil defence
Ministry of Social Development
If you require temporary accommodation because of displacement unrelated to a civil defence emergency, or if TAS is not currently active in your region, you can apply for emergency housing through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
Call 0800 559 009 or
Visit Ministry of Social Development(external link)
Temporary Accommodation Assistance
Temporary Accommodation Assistance (TAA) is administered by MSD. It is available to support some homeowners who are paying both mortgage and rental accommodation costs and if their insurance cover for rental accommodation has ended.
Temporary Accommodation Assistance(external link) - Work and Income
Ministry for Primary Industries
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is responsible for the coordination of animal welfare services in emergencies.
Animal Welfare Emergency Management(external link) - MPI
Tenancy Services
If returning to the home you were displaced from is not a viable option, renting could be an option as you work to find a new place to live. Tenancy Services has a range of tools and resources that can help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant, key information is also available in multiple languages.
Call 0800 TENANCY (0800 836 262) or
Visit Tenancy Services(external link)
New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS)
If you are a homeowner and need help with resolving residential insurance issues resulting from natural disasters, you can contact NZCRS for independent advice and support.
MBIE’s Building Performance team
Following an event that has caused damage to buildings, rapid building assessments are carried out where a state of emergency or designation is in place. Placards may be placed on buildings following an assessment, letting you know how the building may be used. There are three placard colours: red, yellow and white.
Some buildings may require remediation or urgent works to reduce the risk to people.
Rapid building assessment placarding system(external link) - Building Performance
Employment New Zealand
If you or your workplace have been affected by a natural disaster, speak with your employer/employees to discuss options such as flexible working arrangements or other alternative ways to continue work or employment if it is safe and practical to do so.
Visit Employment New Zealand for information on your employment during and after disasters:
Call 0800 20 90 20 or
Visit Employment New Zealand(external link)
Healthline provides a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over-the-phone health service you can call for free health advice, information and treatment from professional healthcare providers.
Call 0800 611 116 or