Anti-social behaviour is defined as any act or omission (whether intentional or not), that reasonably causes alarm, distress, or nuisance.
Expectations around anti-social behaviour will be set out in your Licence to Occupy or Occupancy Agreement which Households staying in TAS accommodation are required to sign and follow. In general, you will be asked to agree to:
- not damage the accommodation, and to rectify any damage caused
- not remove any items from the accommodation
- keep the property clean
- not break the law
- not permit additional guests to reside in the property (without prior approval from TAS)
If you are residing in commercial accommodation, you will also be asked to agree to follow the accommodation provider’s terms of occupancy.
If a member of your household displays anti-social behaviour during their time in temporary accommodation, the consequences will depend upon whether the behaviour is low, medium or high impact. Some examples are set out below:
Read the full text of this image table
The above table does not provide an exhaustive list of anti-social behaviour and there may be incidents that are not documented above. In this situation, the Security Team will work through the appropriate enforcement action to take.
Police will be involved where appropriate or where explicitly required
The police will be contacted if your behaviour is illegal, for example:
- Major damage to property
- Physical abuse to staff/guests, or threatening physical abuse
- Invasion of privacy (involving trespassing)
- Dealing of illegal substances (A-C/psychoactive)
- Sexual assault attempt/offending
- Major theft
- Possession or manufacture of illegal substances (A-B)
In most cases, illegal behaviour will result in you being removed from TAS accommodation.
TAS has an obligation under the Children’s Act 2014 to identify and report any suspected child abuse, and where there are concerns of this nature, TAS will follow the process identified in MBIE’s Child Protection Policy.
Child Protection Policy(external link) - Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
If you dispute a written notice or a notice to remedy, you need to dispute this as soon as possible, within 5 days following the notice. You can do this by emailing
Disputes will be reviewed by a TAS Panel.
You will have 12 hours to raise any dispute about a removal notice. These disputes will be reviewed urgently by TAS.