Impact : Low
Example behaviours and steps
Minor theft
- Notice to remedy and refer to police*
- Second notice to remedy and refer to police
- Removal from TAS supply and refer to police
Minor damage
- Notice to remedy*
- Second notice to remedy
- Removal from TAS supply
Inconvenience to staff/guests e.g., noise, access
- First written notice
- Second written notice
- Removal from TAS supply
Impact : Medium
Example behaviours and steps
Verbal abuse to staff/guests
- First written notice
- Removal from TAS supply
Invasion of privacy (not involving trespassing)
- First written notice
- Removal from TAS supply
Possession of illegal substances (Class C/psychoactive)
- First written notice and refer to police
- Removal from TAS supply
Impact : High
The following behaviours will result in Removal from TAS supply
- Major damage to property
- Invasion of privacy (involving trespassing)
The following behaviours will result in Removal from TAS supply and refer to police
- Physical abuse to staff/guests, or threatening physical abuse
- Dealing of illegal substances (A-C/psychoactive)
- Sexual attempt/offending
- Major theft
- Possession or manufacture of illegal substances (Class A and B)
*If first notice to remedy is not actioned, a second notice will be issued